Our company, since it first started its activity, has been assuming a
growing market share in the sector of the transformation of granites and
other natural stones into products of high quality and diversity for the
construction and interior and exterior decoration.
We are aware that this growth is largely due to the strict policy dedicated
to the management of Flavipedra and whose guidelines include:
• The loyalty and expansion of the customer portfolio, by ensuring the
satisfaction with excellence of all their requests, continuously observing
our ability to respond to the quality requirements and delivery times
established, and guiding all our efforts to the prompt and appropriate
resolution of any dissatisfactions that may arise;
• The profitability of the company, through the monitoring and strict
control of costs inherent to the development of the activity, as well as by
assertive observation of the investments necessary to increase the
productivity of internal processes;
• Promoting the upstream quality of the company, giving priority to the
suppliers who demonstrate better capacity to respond to flavipedra's
• a positive contribution to the involvement, motivation, well-being and
personal appreciation of our employees, through the implementation of
effective communication and training processes at all levels;
• the promotion of continuous improvement of the organization as a daily
management tool at different levels, development of control practices and
analysis of the overall performance of the company, thus ensuring the
making of conscious, effective and necessary decisions to comply with the
applicable regulatory and legal requirements as well as the most
ambitious objectives to which Flavipedra constantly proposes.
The responsibility for carrying out our mission is assumed by all our
employees considering that, each of them and as a whole, depend on the
development of better working procedures and, thus, the maintenance of
the highest performances of Flavipedra.
It is our belief that Flavipedra's success involves the participation of all
those who collaborate with us in the implementation of this Policy